Thursday, August 28, 2014

Just Ears, Noses, and Throats

oto·lar·yn·gol·o·gy    noun   \ˌō-tō-ˌla-rən-ˈgä-lə-jē\

A medical specialty concerned especially with the ear, nose, and throat—called also otorhinolaryngology.

Jeremy D. Vos, MD
It’s also a fourteen-letter word that can be abbreviated as “ENT” for ear, nose, and throat. If you have children, you might be very aware of this medical specialty. You may typically think of an ENT specialist when your children have frequent ear infections, allergies, or need their tonsils removed. Otolaryngologists or ENT specialists treat a wide variety of health issues related to the ears, nose, and throat.

Your family practice physician may refer you to an ENT
Michael J. Reed, MD
for a number of reasons.

Ears:  In addition to treating frequent ear infections, ENT’s also treat injuries, cancer, hearing loss, and ringing in the ears known as tinnitus.

Nose: Health issues affecting sinuses such as frequent infections, nose bleeds, allergies, or asthma.

Throat: This includes tonsils, adenoids, laryngitis, chronic sore throats, and acid reflux.

This can include sleep disorders, facial and neck plastic surgery, and hearing restoration.

ENT Medical Service offers comprehensive testing and treatment for allergic conditions affecting the head and neck—allergic rhinitis, sinusitis, laryngitis, and allergy affecting the ears and eyes.  They provide medical management, skin prick and intradermal testing, blood testing, as well as offer allergy shots and drops for allergy desensitization. Shots are administered in both Grinnell and Iowa City.

Every week, Jeremy D. Vos, MD, sees patients at Grinnell Regional Medical Center in the visiting specialty clinic. In early August, Michael J. Reed, MD, began seeing patients twice monthly and will increase hours if needed. Dr. Reed also plans to perform surgical procedures at GRMC.

Otolaryngologists receive up to 15 years of college and post-graduate training in their specialty.  This includes four years of medical school and five years of post-graduate training and could also include a fellowship in a subspecialty. GRMC is pleased to welcome Dr. Vos and Dr. Reed from ENT Medical Services in Iowa City.

For an appointment, speak with your primary care provider or call ENT Medical Services at 319-351-5680.

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