Is it just me or is there something going around?
No, it’s not just you. You really are running into a lot of
people who are sick or who have been sick lately. Chances are you have been ill, too.
According to the Iowa Department of Public Health, we
typically see a bump in illnesses like norovirus and upper respiratory
infections two weeks after the holidays. Think of all the parties and holiday
functions you attended, trips to the mall or the grocery store, all
opportunities to pick up a nasty virus.

It’s good to keep in mind several tips for stopping the
spread of illness.
· Good hand-hygiene is crucial. Wash hands
frequently using soap and water. Use hand-sanitizer when soap and water is not
Stay home when you are starting to feel ill.
Unfortunately with many viruses, we are infectious before we start showing
symptoms. And, with something like
norovirus, we are still contagious two days after our symptoms clear up.
Don’t prepare food for others if you have any
symptoms, particularly diarrhea and vomiting. Wait a few days after your
symptoms have subsided before returning to your normal routines.
Take care of yourself. Avoid crowds if you can.
Eat balanced and nutritious meals. Get plenty of sleep. Make exercise a
1. Iowa Department of Public Health “The Gift That Keeps On
Giving: Norovirus”
2. Psychology Today “When the Good Times Make Us Sick:
Avoiding Post-Holiday Illness”
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