Thursday, August 20, 2015

Are Your Kids Ready for School?

Area schools will begin classes within the next week – to the delight of some parents and the dread of others. It's a good idea to take a couple of steps to set students up for a safe, healthy year. Here are five back-to-school health tips to consider.

  1. Get vaccinated
Grinnell Regional Public Health follows the CDC’s recommendations for childhood vaccinations. The state of Iowa has laws that require certain vaccinations for children entering school and seventh grade. Check with your primary provider and your school to make sure your child is protected. If you need a vaccine, call Grinnell Regional Public Health for an appointment, at 641-236-2385. View the schedule at

  1. Get rested
Transition to regular bedtimes for students the week prior to school’s start date. This will help make those first mornings of the school year less stressful and help students begin the year rested.  Most children and adolescents need more than eight hours of sleep each night. Teens’ body clocks often do change and they may want to sleep on a different schedule. Find a compromise that gets them enough sleep and gets them to school on time. To get younger kids ready to wake up for school, adjust their bedtimes a little earlier each night for a week or two before school starts. Sticking to a routine is important too – avoid adjusting bedtimes on weekends.

  1. Get nourished
A healthy diet can have a huge impact on how well your child does during the school day. Start with a breakfast with protein, whole grains, fruits and dairy. The Institute of Medicine recommends that 10 to 30 percent of the calories a child over age 3 takes in should come from protein. On average, this equates to 19 grams of protein daily for boys and girls aged 4 to 9 and 34 grams of protein per day for kids aged 9 to 13. As they reach adolescence, boys need more protein than girls. Between the ages 14 to 18, boys should get about 52 grams of protein daily, while girls need approximately 46 grams of protein per day.

  1. Get sparkling
Well, kids don’t and won’t sparkle but you do want to teach them good hand washing and hygiene habits. Require that they wash their hands before every meal, after using the toilet, after sneezing, and anytime that their hands are dirty. Simple enough. Teach your children to cover their cough with a tissue or elbow, and, wash their hands afterwards. Check out for more information.. Many classrooms in the school have hand sanitizer available to students. The goal is to minimize the spread of germs in the schools. Everyone can help.

  1. Get comfortable
Starting school may be stressful for your child and well as yourself. Watch for stress related health issues – not sleeping well, stomach aches, headaches, and withdrawn behavior. Help your child manage stress by talking about anything bothering them, and take care not to overload anyone's schedule, including your own. Schoolwork and after-school activities are important, but it's also essential to take time to relax, play and spend time as a family. Build a quiet time into the day to talk with your child and comfort them about stressors in their school day.

Remember that the healthy habits you create and enforce with your children during their school years will affect their habits as adults in the working world. You play such an important role in their success now and in the future.

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